In the swing of things

I am not sure that I like Bean in school. Of course having one less body to take care of during the day is nice but she brings home some off the wall things from school.
My mom always said that once your kids start school, kiss them goodbye. That they come home a totally different child then when they left and she was 100% right. There are some days I wonder where in the world this sweet little girl is that left here all snuggly in the morning and now smart mouthed and running around with her head cut off as soon as she returns home from school. I am amazed on how much they put on first grade kids. I think they forget they are still 6 or 7 years old. I can remember when school was personal. When everyone knew everyone else and cared about you and your family. Now it is just a job. There was no grandparents day or Christmas program. Just work, work, work. Don't get me wrong, I understand very well the importance of education and understand full and well that everything you need in life is taught in Elementary. Yet, they are still kids. Let them be that.
It matters not how organized I am in the morning to get Bean on the bus without malice. Yet, it never seems to work out that way. She is not a morning person in the slightest. I can not say much as I am not one either but for the love of God Woman! Wouldn't it just be easier to not fight with me tooth and nail each and every morning? I must say that she is getting better then she was. Still, a lot to be desired let me tell you!
I am not sure if any of the readers watch the TLC network but there is a program called Shalom in the Home and although Rabbi Shmuley drives me entirely crazy, he has a lot to say and most are very good ideas and advice. Teaching that inspiration should come from within the home and not on the outside. He has a lot of good things to say if you can get past his mega loud voice and fast talk.
I suppose one of my biggest fears as a mother is that I will totally screw my kids up in someway. That they will leave the nest and never return. That 20 years from now they will be laying on a sofa in "Dr. Your Mom screwed you up" office telling them how terrible I was. I suppose as parents we can just simply put the ground work in and send em off hoping they make the right choices.
I wanted to take a minute to send My thoughts to a friend of mine who has a son in the military and is going through a rough patch. Although I can't begin to understand your thoughts and I won't pretend that I do, please know that you are in my thoughts always and things will be okay.
Magoo or dinky as bean now calls him is well. I am amazed that almost a year ago I was deathly sick with him and now he is crawling everywhere that I almost can't keep up. He is growing up so fast that I need to remember to just take a breather and stare at him. He is now saying Momma, Dadda and Good (Which I believe stands for good because he says it when he does something that is spectacular in his eyes).
And let me tell you everything is spectacular in his eyes.
Bean has taken a break from Karate classes. Simply because it is proving to be more of a scam then teaching her anything. She now wants to start dance, so we shall see.
Anyone make any New Years Resolutions?
I vowed to be more organized and less cluttered. Vowed to write more often. I am keeping both thus far.
Da Mom
We all think we will screw up our children, and honestly, sometimes we do...but only a little bit.
Oh, and please don't worry about the kids leaving and never coming back. Worry about them NEVER leaving.
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