Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

I feel just aweful that I have not written for so long. I keep a written journal for both kids everyday so coming here to write has just been too far and in between. When I think I will get a moment to sit here and write it seems I am mistaken!

Thanksgiving was wonderful. I throughly enjoy spending time with family and am thankful that most of Mine is healthy. I ate too much of course and came home exhausted. Sounds about like everyone else's Thanksgiving too huh!

Bean has been healthy. Thank the Goddess, although it has been fun with the holidays getting closer. I love to look into childrens eyes and see the new sparkle when all the Christmas things come into the stores. When the music starts to flow and all the commercials on TV show nothing but Christmas things. She has never been on that makes a "list" for Santa. She always just says that santa will bring her neat things no matter what they are. Every year her and I sit down and go through her old toys and take it to Goodwill. Also this year she made sure that we bought something for Toys for tots. I do believe she thinks we have all the money in the world! She has such a giving heart. They started spelling tests each week. She has gotten 100/100 each and every week! I am so proud.

Now MaGoo has been ANYTHING but healthy. he has been sick most of October and November. Had an allergic reaction to Sulfa in his last antibotic, which caused quite a scare. He broke out in hives and could not breath. Thankfully, I was able to get him into the doctor and get him some help.

Allergies to date:

Through it all he laughed and smiled. I must say that even if both of the kids are deathly sick you would never know it. They are both always so happy.

Petey has been having a really hard time. Thanksgiving without his dad has been extremely rough. His mom is in MN and did not even call to wish him Happy Thanksgiving. When she does call, she never asks how things are with us, never asks about the kids. It hurts him quite a bit. Little does she know is that I have to pick up the pieces each and everytime she screws up.

I am blessed. I have a great family, where few feathers are ever ruffled. We all get along and bitch little. I am the type of person who does not put up with much. Pete is the exact opposite. I cut My losses fairly early and move on. He keeps pushing. Of course We pretty much both are emotional people and hurt easily, he just shows it and I don't.

He has always described it as this.
She is the Rock and the leader.
I am the Water and the follower.

That is fine with Me.

I am truely looking forward to the holidays. Having small kids is always a wonderful thing this time of year. It would be so nice if we all took the time to look at all of it like kids do. The magic, the love, the giving... all things that make them so innocent. Believing in things that they can not see. I think we should all be like that year round.

Not just this time of year.


At 8:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a great Thanksgiving family time. Sounds like your Christmas will be just the same. Not because of the gifts you may give or receive, but because of your time shared with your family.


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