
This past weekend was a blast! Magoo and Bean went to see Santa and both kids were loads of fun to watch. I was surprised that Magoo did not scream but he was his normal "Whatever" type disposition. It is so fun to watch him just have that attitude about the people around him.
Bean missed school yesterday and both kids are sick and have went to the doctor. Does not shock Me. This time of year is always bad for sickness around here.
I do believe that I have most of My shopping done and a lot of it wrapped already. This year I think I am a bit up on the intake. Last year while pregnant with Magoo I was very sick and was not able to do a lot. Of course, magoo really won't care about the presents. Just the paper and the boxes.
The rest of the week as well as the weekend looks to be busy. Busy is nice sometimes!
Until I write again!
Da Mom
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