Catching up

I loved this picture. Although I have only seen the Northern lights once. They are quite beautiful.
Since I have not written in awhile I thought perhaps I should sit here and catch up on all that I have missed lately.
Starting with Halloween
It was extremely cold here this Halloween. Magoo was sick so I kept him at Mom and Dads while Hannah and I went out trick or treating. Me driving the tractor and her in the back of the trailer. Any and every piece of warm clothing she stole from Me as soon as we left the driveway. She went as a barbie geshia. Not the best costume to wear at the end of october, yet She looked beautiful.
Magoo was a Dalmation puppy and kept quite warm in grandma's arms while trick or treat happened!
Just within the last 3 days he has started to crawl. The 1st of December actually. He has been wanting to crawl for sometime just never really got the motor running the correct way. Now, I can not keep him still. If I walk away, he follows. Thankfully I can hear his little knees hit the floor and know he is behind Me. He tends to be My shadow.
I have also started to rock him less and less to sleep. I remember reading it in J's journal about how hard it was to do that. It is funny with both kids being far apart in age, I tend to forget exactly how heartbreaking it is. Thankfully, it only took him about 2 nights to get the idea that I was not coming back for him. Now, he hardly cries.
Bean has been doing wonderful in school and loves the first grade. She comes home with 100% on most everything and really beats herself up if she doesn't. I am not entirely sure I like the 1st grade. She comes home with some off the wall things. Tends to have this smart ass attitude and always wants to get her way.
Petey is strictly on midnights now. He was on swing shift 12 hours. The pay has been almost cut in half which is killing us but he is around more which is nice.
I throughly enjoy this time of year. Everyone is so cheerful and I tend to try and get organized and wear Myself out.
Anyhow... We are all off to help Grandma and Grandpa put up their tree. I was so happy that when we went shopping friday I found some ornaments that looked exactly like My Grandma B's ornaments did on her tree. It really made the holidays feel like home.
BTW.. if you happen to stop by here, whether I know you are not. Please leave a comment. Bean checks all the time to see if people really stop.
Hi Bean!
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