Sunday, August 27, 2006

Oh My Goddess!

I have not written here in awhile. My computer has been on the crapper and Hannah has started school. So trying to get back in the swing of things has proven to be quite the challenge. She so far loves school and her teacher. Getting up and catching the bus is not her favorite thing but she is getting better at it.

We all have caught the flu and cold that has been going around. Thankfully it does not seem to stay long and we are all feeling much better!

I hope to sit down tomorrow and write about her first day but wanted to make sure ya'll knew I was still alive and kicking!

In love and light,

Sunday, August 13, 2006


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This is one of the many songs that I started singing to Bean when she was little and have now started singing it to MaGoo.

It reminds me that even though we are parents and are the teachers we have so much that we can learn from our children. They are teachers as well. If we listen to them and watch them we will learn that in their world everything and everyone is accepted and loved.

Oddly enough tonight I could hardly get through their lullaby without tears welling up in mine.

Hush my love
Don't you cry
everything will be alright
Close your eyes
Drift to sleep
Rest in peaceful dreams
If there's one thing I hope I show you
Hope I show you
Just give love to all
Oh My love
In my arms tight
Everyday you give me light
As I drift to your world
Rest in peaceful sleep
I know there is one thing that you show me
Just give love to all

Photo-Getty Images

Monday, August 07, 2006

Fish, Fish, Everywhere theres fish

If by chance you see the same template when you read this please refresh your browser. I have changed the template. It is of course still under construction but isn't everything!

Beaner starts school pretty soon. Something I am not really sure I am liking yet. It will be nice to get everyone on a schedule again. The summer has proved to be quite busy and I am looking forward to the winter for a bit of a slow down.

Went out for Petey's birthday yesterday. It was thursday but he had to work so we went out to eat last night to celebrate. What an old man!

Gave in and bought Beaner some fish. Her and E are enjoying it lots. Although I did not want to do it again. I am always the one that takes care of it all. Her and her dad brought home a ditch turtle about a year ago who is now named Bob. She swore that she would take care of it. Of course she doesn't and I swore he would be dead belly up a week later. Nope... the damn thing is still stinky and kicking!

She has 3 fish she named MaGoo, Daddy and Bean. In the middle of the tank is a large rock in which everyone of them swims in and out of. Of course she says the sweetest thing.

"Sorry Mom there is not a fish with your name. you can be the rock in the middle that everyone finds comfort in cause you do that here too"

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Gotta love her.

Blessings and love!
The Mom