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Beaner starts school pretty soon. Something I am not really sure I am liking yet. It will be nice to get everyone on a schedule again. The summer has proved to be quite busy and I am looking forward to the winter for a bit of a slow down.
Went out for Petey's birthday yesterday. It was thursday but he had to work so we went out to eat last night to celebrate. What an old man!
Gave in and bought Beaner some fish. Her and E are enjoying it lots. Although I did not want to do it again. I am always the one that takes care of it all. Her and her dad brought home a ditch turtle about a year ago who is now named Bob. She swore that she would take care of it. Of course she doesn't and I swore he would be dead belly up a week later. Nope... the damn thing is still stinky and kicking!
She has 3 fish she named MaGoo, Daddy and Bean. In the middle of the tank is a large rock in which everyone of them swims in and out of. Of course she says the sweetest thing.
"Sorry Mom there is not a fish with your name. you can be the rock in the middle that everyone finds comfort in cause you do that here too"

Gotta love her.
Blessings and love!
The Mom