Happy Birthday

Today my boy turned one!
A year ago right now I was laying in a hospital bed recovering from a C-section with a morphine pump in hand. It amazes me how quickly he has grown up already. It makes me proud and very sad and sentimental. He was the surprise of the century. My daughter is six and after much talk about more children Petey and I tried for about a year to get pregnant and then just saw it was not meant to be. 4 years later surprise! We knew he was a boy at about 5 months and also found out that he was breech. I was seeing a midwife who swore to me that if I did the exercises she gave (standing on My head and drinking some herb) he would turn around. Just like a man, can't follow directions!
I knew right off the bat that doing the exercises was not feeling right and I was correct. At birth the cord was wrapped around his neck three times. If he had turned the outcome would have been very different.
Alright--I am jumping around. I went in Friday 2-24 at 9am for a noon C-section. They had a lot of trouble getting spinal block in. Took about an hour and a half but once it was in, all was well and soon a baby boy was born.
I feel so sentimental tonight. Extra cuddling with him and the bean. Just makes me realize how quickly life goes by. His birthday party was wonderful. Lots of people and lots of cake. He was a good boy and is now asleep soundly in bed.
Thank Goddess!
Happy Birthday Magoo!
Thank you Bean for being such a great big sister!
I love you both so much~!
The Mom
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Happy birthday (belated of course) to your little one.
You take direction well !*hugs*
Giggles.. smart ass!
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