Tuesday, February 27, 2007


For Bean

A song by John Mayer
i know a girl
she puts the color inside of my world
she's just like a maze
where all of the walls all continually change
I've done all i can to stand on the steps
with my heart in my hands
Now i started to thinkmaybe its got nothing to do with me.
so fathers be good to your daughters
daughters will love like you do
girls become lovers who turn into mothers
so mothers be good to your daughters too.
you see that skin
its the same shes been standing in
since the day you two met
i bet i was on your mind
never ever any time
fathers be good to your daughters,
daughters will love like you do,
girls become lovers who turn into mothers
so mothers be good to your daughters too.
boys you can break
find out how much they can take
boys will be strong and boys soldier on
but boys would be gone
without warmth of a woman's good good heart
on behalf of every man
looking out for every girl
you are the god and the weight of her world
on behalf of ever man who's looking out for every girl
you are the god and you are the weight of her world
so fathers be good to your daughters,
daughters will love like you do,
girls become lovers who turn into mothers
so mothers be good to your daughters too

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Happy Birthday

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Today my boy turned one!

A year ago right now I was laying in a hospital bed recovering from a C-section with a morphine pump in hand. It amazes me how quickly he has grown up already. It makes me proud and very sad and sentimental. He was the surprise of the century. My daughter is six and after much talk about more children Petey and I tried for about a year to get pregnant and then just saw it was not meant to be. 4 years later surprise! We knew he was a boy at about 5 months and also found out that he was breech. I was seeing a midwife who swore to me that if I did the exercises she gave (standing on My head and drinking some herb) he would turn around. Just like a man, can't follow directions!

I knew right off the bat that doing the exercises was not feeling right and I was correct. At birth the cord was wrapped around his neck three times. If he had turned the outcome would have been very different.

Alright--I am jumping around. I went in Friday 2-24 at 9am for a noon C-section. They had a lot of trouble getting spinal block in. Took about an hour and a half but once it was in, all was well and soon a baby boy was born.

I feel so sentimental tonight. Extra cuddling with him and the bean. Just makes me realize how quickly life goes by. His birthday party was wonderful. Lots of people and lots of cake. He was a good boy and is now asleep soundly in bed.
Thank Goddess!

Happy Birthday Magoo!
Thank you Bean for being such a great big sister!
I love you both so much~!
The Mom

BTW--If you stop here please put a comment down. It shows a lot of traffic coming through, yet no one letting me know that they were around.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The circle of life

As I get older the more people I love or just even consider a friend have are passing away. A friend of ours passed away yesterday and even though I was not extremely close to her she always spoiled my kids when she saw them, had been to my home for haircuts and was overall extremely wonderful to my family.

It makes you stop and take a breath. Understanding and thinking about how precious and short life really is. Wherever people believe we go when we die, I am sure that she is safe and happy there.

Bean came home with a sore throat and no voice. The starts of a lovely cold in which I hope to have nipped in the bud before it goes full monty! She and I sat at the kitchen table for an hour and a half doing homework tonight. A story she had to read that was 13 pages. 100 addition problems, 100 subtraction problems, a sheet going over the clock and a spelling pretest due tomorrow. It amazes me that she had so much to do. By the time she had finished her and I were both tired and sick of each other! Each time she tried to read the way that the book showed to, Magoo would yell outloud and try to "read" over here. Already it starts! The little brother bugging the shit out of his big sister.
I just wait for the time that she has girlfriends over, door closed to her room and he goes running in dancing in his superman underroos.

I never had that growing up so I am both excited and not looking forward to the sibling fueds.

We decided to go with the Pixar movie CARS theme for Magoos birthday party. There is an old tow truck on there called Tow Mater that he giggles and yells at each time we watch it so we figured that it would be perfect for him. Got him a light of TowMater, a mobile for his crib, a light decoration of CARS, a puzzle and a bear. Bean picked out the bear and puzzle so that is from just her.

I am dead tired tonight and I am not entirely sure why. I just wanted to write quickly before I head off to slumber.

Have a blessed night
The Mom

Sunday, February 18, 2007


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Magoo's birthday is saturday. I can't believe he will be one. He is now saying "Goggy" or "Gog" which in his word means Doggie or Dog. Close enough! These are our two dogs Pudgy and Lily. Taken under our old kitchen table. Just bought new Dining Room furniture, so much prettier then the old!

Bean has not felt good this weekend. Tummy ache complaints here and there. I always feel bad when she is not feeling up to par. Although I must admit that when she is not feeling well she is way more cuddly then normal. So I do enjoy that part of her.

I know that at some point both kids will not want to cuddle with me and I will at that moment be used to it but just thinking about it makes my heart hurt a bit.

The Mom

Friday, February 16, 2007

Another snow day

Beaner had another snow day tuesday and wednesday this week. A two hour delay yesterday and a half a day today. I wonder when on earth they will be going to school until!

She of course loves it. I like that I don't have to rush around at 6 in the morning but don't like trying to keep her busy. Magoo and I get on such a schedule that it is hard when something else is thrown into the mix. Spending the weekend and week getting ready for Magoo's first birthday on the 24th. It seem unreal to Me that he is already turning one. Any moment he is going to start getting up and walking around.

They both have such different ways about them. Comparing Bean and Magoo as babies they are as different as night and day. Amazing to watch their differences and likeness.

The Mom

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow week

Last week Bean was off 4 days from school due to the negative windchill and this week started with the day off due to winds and snow. I am highly doubtful that she will attend school tomorrow as they are starting to call off businesses and roads as well.

I have mixed feelings about her being home. I, of course don't want her out on the roads but I am not sure that I enjoy her talking nonstop all day long. Regardless of what room she is in or what room I am in, she must talk to me. Even the bathroom is a conversation spot. I don't even think I can remember a time when I had the bathroom to myself. When I took a bath and did not have little eyes watching me shave my legs. Even though privacy is rare, I would not change it for the world.

Magoo is now getting his molar teeth in and is a bear to live with. According to Beans baby book she had a tooth and a half on her first birthday. He has 4 on top, 4 on bottom and now 2 molars coming in. Perhaps he is a Guinness book of world records baby!

I have been taking some time to handwrite in the kids' journals. I am hoping someday to hardbind them and perhaps give them as wedding presents when they marry. Say... 20 years or so. Last night I was so tired and wanted to head to bed but had not written in it yet. I went to bed and made myself get up and write. I suppose it is a fear of mine that I will die before my time and they won't know all there is to know about me. That they won't have the advice on hand that I would give them.

Morbid? Perhaps but it is important to me.

There aren't many fears I have in life but that is pretty high on my list. Not dying but dying young and leaving my kids without me. It is not a fear that keeps me from living but one that makes me able to see what I want and need for them.

The Mom

Friday, February 09, 2007


It has been forever since I have had a computer to be able to sit and write. Mine went down a little over 3 weeks ago and after many tech support phone calls and trying to figure it out it turned out to be a bust.

Thankfully I am back on now and things seem to be working well. Bean got the old computer to play games on and I even upgraded to DSL.

Just wanted to give a quick note to let everyone know while I have been gone for so long.

I shall write in a bit.

The Mom